Simple Monitoring
--> A Simple Monitoring just checks whether a host is reachable or offline.
--> No Intelligence present.
--> Following are the monitors used in simple monitoring,
1) Gateway ICMP
Active Monitoring
--> In Active Monitoring, BIG IP sends some type of application traffic and waits for a response from the node or pool member.
--> Uses Intelligence.
--> This can be done by using send and receive string configured under the monitor.
--> F5 LTM makes node or pool member offline, if it does not receive the response or if the response is not matching the specific receive string.
--> HTTP and FTP are the monitors used in Active Monitoring.
--> Active Monitoring creates additional traffic and uses additional resources on F5 LTM.

Passive Monitoring
--> In Passive Monitoring, BIG IP does not sends any type of application traffic to know node or pool member is offline or not.
--> Passive Monitoring is also known as Inband Monitoring.
--> In Passive Monitoring, BIG IP LTM monitors the traffic is going to/from pool member.
--> If the pool member does not respond to new connections or existing connections properly then f5 ltm makes pool member as offline.
--> The main advantage of Passive Monitoring is,it does not create any additional traffic to find out the pool member is offline or online.
--> Does not consume more resources on F5 LTM.
--> Passive Monitoring does not check for specific resources which makes f5 ltm slow to identify pool member or node is offline.
--> Inband monitor is the only monitor used in Passive Monitoring.
--> Passive Monitor works depends on the client traffic from F5 LTM to Pool Member.
CCIE # 54759
--> A Simple Monitoring just checks whether a host is reachable or offline.
--> No Intelligence present.
--> Following are the monitors used in simple monitoring,
1) Gateway ICMP
Active Monitoring
--> In Active Monitoring, BIG IP sends some type of application traffic and waits for a response from the node or pool member.
--> Uses Intelligence.
--> This can be done by using send and receive string configured under the monitor.
--> F5 LTM makes node or pool member offline, if it does not receive the response or if the response is not matching the specific receive string.
--> HTTP and FTP are the monitors used in Active Monitoring.
--> Active Monitoring creates additional traffic and uses additional resources on F5 LTM.

Passive Monitoring
--> In Passive Monitoring, BIG IP does not sends any type of application traffic to know node or pool member is offline or not.
--> Passive Monitoring is also known as Inband Monitoring.
--> In Passive Monitoring, BIG IP LTM monitors the traffic is going to/from pool member.
--> If the pool member does not respond to new connections or existing connections properly then f5 ltm makes pool member as offline.
--> The main advantage of Passive Monitoring is,it does not create any additional traffic to find out the pool member is offline or online.
--> Does not consume more resources on F5 LTM.
--> Passive Monitoring does not check for specific resources which makes f5 ltm slow to identify pool member or node is offline.
--> Inband monitor is the only monitor used in Passive Monitoring.
--> Passive Monitor works depends on the client traffic from F5 LTM to Pool Member.
CCIE # 54759