What is Priority Group Activation in F5?

--> Priority Group Activation in F5 allows configuring the standby servers for the active servers in the pool.

--> Standby Servers won't receive the traffic from F5 until primary servers are running.

--> Standby Servers are automatically activated once the defined number of primary servers goes down.

--> Priority Group Activation feature mainly used to provide a web page with maintenance to the clients when the number of primary servers were unavailable due to load.

--> if priority group activation is set then F5 LTM will use available members with the highest priority number first.

-->  In this case, we configured three servers with a priority value of 10 and configured the other servers with a priority value of 5.

--> Standby or Backup Servers( Priority 5) won't receive the traffic from F5 LTM until two of the primary servers ( Priority 10) goes down.

--> If all the members in the pool are unavailable then F5 LTM can use Fall back Host feature which redirects user traffic.

MD.Kareemoddin ( CCIE # 54759)