What is Partitions in F5?

--> Partition is a logical container or storage area where you create a defined set of BIG-IP system objects such as pools, nodes, profiles, and irules.

--> Partition is similar to local disks (C: D: E: F: ) in Windows operating systems.

--> Partition gives a fine granularity of administrative control by allowing users to manage the objects in particular partition rather than all partitions in F5.

--> By default F5 LTM automatically creates a partition called common, all the objects in F5 LTM that users create automatically reside in common partition.

--> Only the user role of Administrator, can also create, update, and delete objects in partition Common. No user can delete partition Common itself.

--> If you create other partitions later, you cannot move an object in Common Partition to one of the new partitions. 

--> Instead, you must delete the object from Common Partition and recreate it in the new partition.

--> Once we create partitions in F5 LTM then users can be mapped to the required partition which requires access to it.

--> The objects created in one partition cannot be accessed or used by the other users who don't have access to the partition.

--> Object names must be unique within the partition.

--> Objects can be partitioned based upon application requirements.

Working of Virtual Servers with more than one Partition

--> Virtual Servers in F5 LTM uses objects such as Pools, profiles and irules etc in order to work.

--> These objects that virtual server in F5 LTM is going to use may be in same partition or different partition.

--> Virtual Server and objects need to be in the same Partition in order to work.

--> In only one scenario, Virtual Server and objects can be in a different partition ( when the objects such as pools, profiles and irules in common partition).

--> But if the virtual server is in common partition and objects are in the different partition then virtual server cant forward traffic.

User Access to Partition

--> A BIG-IP system user account cannot reside in more than one partition simultaneously.

--> when you first install the BIG-IP system, every existing user account (root and admin) resides in partition Common.

--> If a user is having permission to more than one partition then he needs
to select the current partition before creating or modifying objects in F5 LTM.

--> The current Partition specifies the partition which user logged in F5 LTM for managing objects.

--> Assigning partition access to a user does not necessarily give the user full access to all objects in the partition.

--> The user role assigned to the user determines the type of access that the user has to each type of object in the partition.

Ref: F5.com


CCIE # 54759