F5 iApp

--> iApps is a template used to implement a complex application in F5 LTM by answering a set of questions.

--> iApps are used to create Applications in F5 LTM quickly compared to traditional way of creating applications.

--> iApps automate creating of node,pool,memeber,profile,virtual server,irule, monitors by simply answering a set of questions.

--> For example, we can implement or deploy Microsoft Exchange or Lync by using iApp template.

--> Most of the vendors/application developers provide the template to reduce the complexity of creating applications in F5 LTM.

--> iApps removes the manual errors done by admin on any applications because iApp does not allow us to change the parameter later on.

--> iApp reduces deployment errors that can be made when implementing a complex application through LTM.

--> “Strict updates” feature locks you out of changing of an iApp, but unchecking this feature lets you modify the application via iApp.

--> An iApp provides improved application monitoring to monitor your created applications via iApps.

--> It is possible to create customized iApps using TCL/HTML/APL.